VISIONS of SuperMaMa:

  • SuperMaMa is an EU FET-OPEN Research & Innovation project working on new technologies for mass spectrometry and analysis of lowly charged and neutral high-mass proteins.
  • SuperMaMa will develop, test and combine an integrated superconducting nanowire array (SNWA) with advanced cryogenic onboard electronics in a largely re-modelled ESI-TOF-machine.
  • The development of a new photocleavable tags shall allow us to prepare of neutral protein beams from mass-selected ions upon single- pr few photon absorption. This will decouple the volatilization from the charging process and shall enable the analysis of neutral proteins in the gas phase

 Latest News


... joins the SuperMaMa team for an undergraduate internship in Vienna in August!


... joins the SuperMaMa team for an undergraduate internship in Vienna for July and August!


as PhD-Student at UNIBAS on synthesis & modification of peptides.


Steven Daly joins team at MSVISION for high-mass spectrometry.


...for the SuperMaMa-project!


With January 1st 2020, SuperMaMa has started. This is a new research & innovation action with a total volume of nearly 3 Million Euros project,...